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Hello . . .


Welcome to Juyanne's site. Please check my Books page if you are interested in buying either my stories or essays. There are also some old blog posts (sorry, been quite busy) and a little background for those who don't know me.


Basically, I'm a Louisiana girl, through and through. I have been thinking about crawfish lately since this is the season for "sucking heads," and I have already been to a crawfish boil. Few things are more quintessentially Louisianan. There's just something about everyone sitting around a table filled with crawfish and all the accoutrements (sausage, corn, and potatoes for sure, and whatever other vegetables are preferred). Tossing back a cold soda or beer just seems natural: a good time for sure. 


So, I wish you many crawfish boils this season. Please be well and happy, and really busy doing your life's work.


What's New?


Check out this book list I recommended:


Read my latest essay, "To Be Loved," in Xavier Review 42.1:


And look for my newest collection of essays - Sketches on Fear - which is seeking publication.



Juyanne James

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